Sunday, 26 September 2010

Rivers in Trouble

Yesterday was the sixth annual World Rivers Day, with events scheduled all around the world to clean up rivers and highlight threats to them. The Straits Times looks at the top 10 endangered rivers.


Anonymous said...

This should really able to be 'liked' on facebook so everyone who sees it can share it; likewise on twitter. We need more recognition from social mediums to raise awareness for the both the present and the future.

I can't imagine any fishing happening in those rivers if something isn't done about it, let alone anyone trying to take a river cruise holiday down the Danube.

Life isn't positive if our most vital and basic resource is squandered because of greed and money.

Ms Kong said...

We don't really need to do great things but do small things with great effort. I think we can think big start small but doing the 3Rs first.