Thursday, 9 September 2010

Reflection on movie 'Hotel Rwanda'

I think it was an excellent movie as it touched my heart deeply. This movie describes the killings and genocides that happened in Rwanda very well. I could not believe that it actually happened in Rwanda. I think what moves some of the Hutus to do the mass killings was the media that kept on “brainwashing” them to wipe out the Tutsis. The media was cunning to drive the Hutus mad and enraged by broadcasting the message through radios. The media’s target was mostly to the uneducated people who could be easily enraged by their emotions. If they were educated enough (like the hotel manager, Paul, who saved a lot of Hutus and Tutsis), they would not go around in a killing spree and let their emotions control them. That is why it is important for us to understand the cause of this horrible event and to acknowledge it.

Nadia.L.Soh, 3EA

Because of the film that has been shown to me, I had a further understanding of the effects of internal conflict in countries. The effects were dreadful and innocent people were killed, wounded and psychologically tramatised because of the violence. I also learnt that even if we have sound thinking, we would still turn violent and resort to mass killings. We only need something or someone to trigger it and in the case of Rwanda, it only took one man, the media (radio broadcast) to trigger the Hutus to go on a killing spree.

It was really sad that innocent people were involved and even children were horrendously killed. I hope that whatever happened to Rwanda will not happen ever again, be it on Rwanda on other parts of the world.

To avoid this kind of conflicts, I think we should learn to be tolerant towards others and try to understand each other without letting our emotions take over our sound minds.

Rayzelyn N.Zamora, 3EA

After watching this movie ‘Hotel Rwanda’, I realized it is really important to promote harmony among different races. Misunderstanding between people may lead to very big unhappiness and even deep hatred. The hatred overwhelmed certain people and they will start to use violence. Many innocent people will be involved.

Soo Jie Yi, 3EA

I think civil war is mainly influenced by media. The media gives such information to create huge misunderstanding between two parties. As people are brainwashed by the media, they resort to violence to express their feelings of anger, envy and hatred towards another group of people.

Jhenesis Ann E. Serrano, 3EA

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