Thursday, 29 October 2009

Things to take note for Geography

1. Dissect the question. Underline the instructional word, 'describe', 'explain' or 'compare and contrast' etc.
2. Look at the mark allocation. One idea one mark. Develop the idea.
3. One idea one paragraph.
4. Use the figure, extract data as evidence to answer the question.
5. Don't overwrite. Don't give a summary of factors. Just go straight to the answer.
6. Use geographical keywords to explain concepts.
7. Learn to draw diagrams. Diagrams must be big enough for the marker. Not tiny ones.
8. Only last part of each question is (8m) and we mark according to LORMS. Remember to give a balanced view. For e.g, 'How effective...?". "How successful...?" Show both sides. Read question carefully.
9. Know where the various countries are located in the world map especially those countries that were mentioned in your textbook.
10. Please learn map-reading. My hunch is it will come out this 'O' level.

That's all. Will add on the list when I can think of some more. Good Luck!

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