Monday, 26 January 2009

Two of my former students are going to Laos this February and would like to bring along thumb drives to The Language Project. The Language Project is run by an amazing American lady called Carol Kresge who believes in raising literacy in underdeveloped countries. I met the lady  in Laos before and am impressed with her resilience in setting up libraries in Luang Prabang. If you have an old thumb drive that you think you can part with and this thumb drive is going to help someone in a less developed country learn better, please pass to me before 13 Feb. Thanks a lot!

Monday, 12 January 2009

Project on 'Bonding Singapore'

To: 4EA, 4EB, 5N1 & 5N2
Now that you’ve learnt about how Singapore manages ethnic diversity in Social Studies, I would like you to look around and look for evidences of effort put into ensuring Singapore’s racial/religious harmony.

In line with Total Defence Day on 16 February, the chapter on 'Bonding Singapore' is about one of the 5 defences, social defence. You'll need to do this online project to fulfil your CME assessment (10%).

1. You are to take picture using your digital camera or handphone camera of places, people or objects that show how Singapore fosters social cohesion in a multi-ethnic Singapore.
2. Write a short caption of whom the people or what the objects are and where and when the picture was taken.
3.Give a short write-up of why this picture that you’ve taken shows how Singapore creates opportunities for Singaporeans to bond.
4. Send your photo as a .jpg attachment and your write-up (of who, what, where, and when) in the main email body to
5. Do not send WORD document attachments.
6. In your email, use your CLASS: NAME (INDEX NO.) in the subject field eg. 4EA: CHEN HONG (1)
7. You'll be assessed based on choice of the photo and quality of write-up.
8. Bonus marks will be given to students who comment on other students' work.
9. Deadline for the project: 6 February 2009.
10. Two sample posts will give you some ideas.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Target Setting & Reflection

For the graduating students, just to reiterate what you need to do for me. Please do homework and find out where you're going after your 'O' level, for example, which JC or Polytechnic or course and find out the entry requirement. Set target according to the entry requirement. Aim for the sky and you may reach the stars. Set target for your Humanities Subject and write down your difficulties in learning the subject. This will let me know how hard to push you and what strategies to use. This is your final year, if you're smart, I think you know what to do!